Supernatural: The Road So Far

Sam, Dean, and Cas, your friendly neighborhood demon hunters.

The spooky CW show, Supernatural, is now on it’s ninth season, and a lot has changed since the “Pilot” episode.  The first season was about two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who were trying to save their father.  Now, they are trying to save the world.


It all started out when Dean knocked on his little brother’s door saying, “Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days.”  But their father definitely was not hunting deer.  He was hunting a demon who killed their mother twenty-two years earlier.  They eventually find their dad and, guess what, he’s fine!  However; he soon gets murdered by the same demon.


Three seasons follow with revenge and dangerous side-jobs lead to Dean being sent to Hell. Oh bother!  He soon gets pulled out by an angel named Castiel.  This changed the show’s direction from being about folklore, legends, and ghosts to being mainly about angels and demons.  Some fans wish for it to be the way it was before.  In my opinion, I think the change was refreshing and a good move by the writers.


Many new characters are introduced like Crowley, the King of Hell, and Gabriel, the trickster.  And then, everyones favorite archangel is introduced, Lucifer.  Ah, sweet, sweet Lucifer.  He does not run Hell in this show (that’s Crowleys job) but he sure likes making life difficult for the Winchester brothers.  At the end of season five Sam sacrifices himself to lock Lucifer away by becoming his vessel and jumping into a fiery pit.  Sam’s body gets pulled out by Castiel, as revealed in season 6, episode one.  Sadly, his soul remains stuck in the pit..


Soul-less Sam is the perfect balance of terrifying and hilarious.  Once his soul is back Sam, Dean, Castiel and friends have to destroy the evil Leviathans who were brought into the world because one of Castiel’s plans failed.  Of course they do beat the Leviathans, but Dean and Castiel get sent to Purgatory.  Season eight is about what happened in Purgatory, and Dean, Castiel, and Sam trying to close the gates of Hell with the demon tablet.


Castiel thinks he is doing the right thing for Heaven at the end of season eight, but he ends up assisting in Metatron’s scheme to make all the angels fall to Earth.  Now, at the beginning of season nine Castiel is human because he lost his grace.  The other angels still have most of their powers, as they still have their graces.


In the first episode of season nine it is revealed that the angels are angry and hunting for Castiel.  Sam and Dean did not know why the angels fell to Earth until Castiel told them over a payphone.  Also, Sam is is dying in a hospital because of the trials he underwent to try and close the gates of Hell (the only reason he is alive being that he never finished the third trial).  An angel named Ezekiel, who is friendly so far, saves Sam by taking him as his vessel.  Sam does not know there is an angel inside of him, because he would rather die than be a vessel.


Episode three was all about Castiel experiencing the ups and downs of human life.  Everything from eating to urinating was covered, and boy, was it funny.  For a second everyone thought Castiel was going to have a love interest, but no, she was evil and almost killed him.  Sam still does not know there is an angel inside of him, nor does Castiel.  Castiel is brought back to Sam and Dean’s homebase once they are reunited.  The episode ended with Ezekiel telling Dean that Castiel can’t stay or he would leave Sam to die.  This is because Castiel is drawing the attention of other angels who want to kill him, and Ezekiel does not want to be discovered helping the Winchesters.  Dean tells Castiel that he has to leave in the final heartbreaking scene of the episode.  And now, we wait for next week to see how this will affect the trio’s relationship, and if Castiel will be safe on his own once again.