Students Are Experiencing Valuable Times in Internship


By Taichi Shimizu

Mr. Mellerski working on an internship paper in his office.

Note: Due to the closure of Williamsville schools, any dates mentioned are postponed

Learning about business will never make you feel regret. One of the big events that is going on right now is an internship. Many students are enrolling in this class and experiencing valuable things in their course.  

Let’s see what internship is and what they are doing in internship. This class is offered for juniors and seniors every summer, fall and spring.  Mr. Melleski, Internship and Work Experience Coordinator of Williamsville East High School, said “We have offered internships for 28 years and about 85-100 students are enrolled in this program each year.”  In this course students experience a career of their interest at real work places. At least 54 unpaid internship hours are needed. The students enrolled in this class would also have 27 hours of classroom lessons taught by Mr. Mellerski and Mrs. Vicchio-Routhier. So why take internships during high school?  By taking an internship, students can explore their career before going on to colleges, experiencing a workplace to deeply understand what professional workers are doing and will have big advantages to other students in their college. Throughout this course the mentors in different fields teach the key components in their own ways. 

Now, after talking about internships, let’s mention what classes the Business Department has and be clear about goals of the department and benefits of taking business courses including internship. They teach more than 10 courses this year and will be offering two new half-year courses next year. Taking business courses helps you understand what’s going on in the real business world and knowing how it works. They also teach how to “take responsibility, accountability, leadership and build up their teamwork.” said Mrs Fanara-Mauro. Many students start taking business courses in colleges so the students in East High School have advantages to learn about it in their high school. Students can learn and experience the real world throughout the courses. Teachers are having fun teaching business to their students.