by Prabhnoor Singh

For the last few years, Spider-Man has been an integral part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This was thanks to the collaboration between Sony and Marvel Studios, who were able to share the character (and the profits to his films). Now it’s being reported that Spider-Man will no longer be part of the MCU and that Sony will no longer co-produce Spider-Man films with Marvel Studios, due to an inability to renegotiate the terms of the deal to share the character.
This news comes just one day after Spider-Man: Far From Home reportedly earned over a billion dollars at the global box office, making it Sony’s highest-grossing movie of all time. Clearly negotiations were underway between Disney and Sony, and neither could agree on the terms of adjusting the overall deal.
The collateral damage seems to be Spider-Man himself, which unsurprisingly is devastating news for Marvel fans, especially fans who have enjoyed the performance of Tom Holland. Holland has been playing Spider-Man since 2016 when he made his swinging debut in Captain America: Civil War. He has since appeared in two solo films, Homecoming and Far From Home, as well as Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Though he still has two Spider-Man movies on his Sony contract, the idea of him no longer being a part of the MCU has not sat well with many people.
Fans still had hope that an agreement will be reached in hopes of finding out just how Peter Parker will get himself out of the sticky situation Mysterio put him in at the conclusion of Far From Home. Sadly, however, Sony has announced the “door is closed” on the Spider-Man deal, for now.
“For the moment, the door is closed,” Vinciquerra said, who is the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Vinciquerra has admitted that it has been a couple of interesting weeks for Sony with all the backlash from their fans.
“We had a great run with [Feige] on Spider-Man movies. We tried to see if there’s a way to work it out. … The Marvel people are terrific people, we have great respect for them, but on the other hand, we have some pretty terrific people of our own. Kevin didn’t do all the work,” Vinciquerra said.
For now, we Spidey fans are pretty upset but this isn’t the end for Tom Holland’s career as he said Spider-Man’s legacy “rests in Sony’s hands.” Sony has many movies planned with Holland, they will have crossovers on the big screen with Tom Hardy’s Venom.
For now, that is all we know until we get more information on this situation, but from the looks of it, it looks like the future of Spider-Man truly does rest in the hands of Sony.