Putin’s Peace Prize Nomination More Surprising than the Winner


A Russian advocacy group has nominated Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Russian advocacy group believes that he is much more worthy of winning the prize than President Obama.

“Barack Obama has the title of Nobel Prize winner — the man who initiated and approved such aggressive actions on the part of the United States of America as in Iraq and Afghanistan,” says a popular Russian singer. “I think our president, who is trying to stop the bloodshed through diplomatic language, deserves this title more.”

But just because he has been nominated doesn’t mean that he will win the prize. According to the website, almost anyone at an academic position or in the government can nominate someone. Many have been nominated throughout the years, including commendable people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. But people like Stalin and even Adolf Hitler have been nominated for the prize. Those that are nominated are not always worthy of the prize.

Vladimir Putin’s critics say that he has helped out the Assad regime in Syria by giving them chemical weapons to use against their own people. He started a war in Chechnya to end separatism, and allowed his troops to attack Georgia over a minor border dispute. He protested when NATO sent out forces against Muammar el-Qaddafi when he was killing many of his own people. And most recently, he has repeatedly used his veto power to block action that could limit Syrian violence.These are several cases that can be used against Putin when determining the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Putin isn’t the only Russian that has been nominated this year. Others include Edward Snowden, the American seeking temporary asylum in Russia, and Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, Putin’s political opponent.

The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize was revealed to be  Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on October11th, 2013 in Oslo.