Physics Club Launches Rockets and Drops Eggs

Source: Instagram

By Oscar Ruiz-Martinez

With many projects ahead, the physics club is looking for new members to join. The club’s main focus is to address any physics questions or doubts students may have. It’s also a good place to come and brainstorm ideas about possible projects with other club members. The club meets once a month, although it’s not much, each time they meet, they take full advantage of the time they have to work on the projects suggested by different members of the club.

Since the club is completely student-run, each member has the freedom to work on whatever they’d like. “We can give certain ideas of anything we want to try out, and then they usually let us do it, so we have a lot of freedom,” said Jimmy Yang. Everyone’s opinion is taken into account, and overall it’s an opportunity to work on science related projects outside the classroom. “If you ever wanted to try out any experiments that deal with physics, you can always propose it to the club to try it out for that day”.

A project the club has worked on previously was, building and launching a rocket. This project consisted of building a launching system and the actual rocket. Everybody built their own rocket and launched them outside using a mechanism provided by Mr. Belling. “It was freezing cold that day, but it was still really fun,” said Grant Wang (club president). Overall it’s a great way to hang out and have fun, especially if you enjoy labs or experiments, but without all the extra work involved.

As for future projects, the club will be conducting an egg drop competition. This will test each student’s abilities and so far everyone seems excited for this activity. So if this sounds like something you would be interested in, consider stopping by.