Passing the Torch: Mrs. Lang


By Mrs. Schapp

It is hard to believe how quickly the past month has flown by. Thank you for all the kind words and emails from so many of you as I received the Torch. Much thanks to Lee Ferenc for passing the Torch to me; it is such an honor. It is never easy to select one person to pass the Torch to when every day I see so many people working so hard and going above and beyond what is expected.  

We all know that some of what happens at Williamsville East happens behind the scenes. We may go days without seeing this person, but this person takes good care of all of us behind the scenes.  She greets us with a smile and a warm hello when we enter her room. Any paper copy a student is given goes through IMC.  In that room, the person who is in charge, Gail Lang, handles most of the copies. She sends us emails when the copier is not working and then when it is repaired!  We learn when the stapler is not working and when it starts working again. Mrs. Lang has managed chromebook carts and always sends us friendly reminders when things are not in their place.  She asks for work when things are slow in the copy room. She deals with our panicked expressions when we walk in and need something “for next period!” or “today!” She rushes copies for us when we are in a bind and is always cheery!

Thank you, Mrs. Lang, for all  you do to make our classrooms run smoothly; we appreciate your behind the scenes work!


Mrs. Schapp