New Fields in Williamsville Schools


By: Steph Wetzelpicture11

Williamsville North High School is having their grand opening for their synthetic turf fields on Friday, September 16th at 6:15 p.m.  These fields include two soccer fields, a field hockey and lacrosse field, and two softball fields. With nearly 295,000 square feet of turf and a total cost of $2,041, 300, they were able to improve the conditions the athletes play in and make it more enjoyable for the people watching. This not only makes the fields safer for our athletes, but could potentially give our schools the opportunity to host conference, regional, and state events. The North fields include three new scoreboards along with permanent bleachers that can seat up to 400 people, portable bleachers that can seat up to 250 people, weather protection for athletes, a new concession stand with a lavatory, new field lights, and more. The district’s Superintendent, Scott Martzloff, will be speaking at the grand opening.  The grand opening will be followed by North’s first home football game. Williamsville North will be playing the Niagara-Wheatfield Falcons. The grand opening and the football game are open to the public.

Williamsville South and East will be getting new fields as well. Similar to North, they will be receiving new score boards, bleachers, a water management system, a ticket booth, and more. Both schools will be undergoing construction this spring.