Meet East’s New Track Coaches

Priset on the left and Holme on the right. Photo by Sarah Brunskill

By Sarah Brunskill

There are two coaches for the track team this year, Coach Priset and Coach Holme. Coach Priset has been a coach for around 20 years, or in his words, for “a really long time.” When he saw the need for an indoor track coach this year, he decided to fill the role.

Coaches have values and those values are important when teaching athletes how to do a sport. Both coaches have important values for what they want in their teams. Coach Priset’s values a good work ethic and dedication. Coach Holme’s core value extends from his time with athletes. His core value is for his athletes to enjoy running enough for their lifetime.

Both coaches have their favorite parts of track. Priset’s favorite part aligns with his values as a coach. He likes to see the hard work and how it pays off in his athletes. Holme’s favorite part is “goofy interviews and the students who have fun.” If you talk to Holme you will soon find that he loves to joke and make the track atmosphere fun. On their least favorite part of track, they both said the early mornings (both coaches were at the school around 6:30am that morning for a meet at Houghton).

Though they are both coaching track right now it is not the only sport they’ve coached. Coach Priest has coached track and field (outdoor) as well as cross country. Holme has a longer track record with outdoor track, cross country, varsity soccer, and middle school basketball.
Both coaches have a background in track and field. Coach Priset ran track where he did sprinting, 400, all the way up to distance races. Coach Holme did high jump or as he joked “just a jumper so I was a slacker.”

Outside of coaching Coach Priset is a father of six children and an elementary school teacher. Coach Holme retired a couple years ago but he used to be a full time health teacher until he retired a couple years ago. He is now a substitute teacher in the district and he has a wife and four kids.

It was super fun to interview and get to know both of these coaches a little better. They are great coaches and introduce track in a great way. If you like to run or are interested in running, track is definitely a good way to go. They create a good atmosphere to run and to learn to love running beyond high school.