Kinetic Mrs. Korn

Image: Natalie May

By Elijah Silverman

Science teacher Mrs. Korn is passionate about her job, and she loves her students. She is caring, compassionate, and  really tries to help her students understand what they are learning in class. She doesn’t want any of her students feeling overwhelmed with a unit and she gives them multiple chances to learn and succeed.

For Mrs. Korn, Williamsville East wasn’t her first job at a high school — she used to teach at McKinley and at South. When asked how she got to East she said, “I didn’t apply for this job. I had applied two years prior and I interviewed two years earlier, but they had no openings.” They later called her and she got the job two years after her initial interview.

Why did Mrs. Korn pick the subject of science? “I always loved science,” she explained. “I knew for my career I wanted to do something with science.” Her passion shows in the classroom because as a student of Mrs. Korn, you can see she has a real love for science and every subject she teaches. Mrs. Korn has always loved the students she teaches and the job was clearly perfect for her. When asked what her overall favorite part of teaching was, she said, “The students, hands down.” If you enjoy being around students they will be easier to teach because they should be able to trust you, and Mrs. Korn does a great job at that. 

Mrs. Korn also has a very large family; she has three siblings—two brothers and one sister-which comes with lots of nieces and nephews. On top of that, when asked about Mrs. Korn’s own children and immediate family,  she revealed, “My husband and I have been together 23 years and married 17 years, and I have 3 kids.” She has a son Jaxon who is 16 years old, a daughter Alisette who is 14 years old, and her youngest child is a daughter named Angeline who is 10 years old. One time during labor, Mrs. Korn went blind, causing the doctors to think she was dying. Thankfully—in the end—both she and her child survived to tell the tale.

For Mrs. Korn, hobbies range from lots of things, one of which is arts and crafts. She has been able to apply her passions in arts  in her career in science, as she is always trying to find ways to help our creative side by implementing arts and crafts into our work. The periodic table we use in class is very colorful, as well as  an extra credit concept map that acts as an  information web. Mrs. Korn also likes to top and decorate cakes, also tying in with her artistic hobby—although she hates to bake the cake itself.   When asked what else  she liked to do to pass the time, she also told me, “I like to read, craft, ski, and puzzling.” For the last one, puzzling science equations can be like a puzzle tying in her love of science with her love of puzzling.

Family comes first; with three children and a husband to take care of, Mrs. Korn has a lot on her plate. As she said, “I drive my kids around right now with all my free time.” Mrs. Korn gives up a lot of her time for her family as she drives three children around to wherever they need to be once she is home from her own tiring day with us high schoolers. 

Mrs. Korn is kind to students and she has always been a great teacher. She is passionate about her job and the students can always see it. She really tries to help her students understand and learn more in her class, while also trying not to overwhelm them.