Commentary: Both Israelis and Palestinians Want Peace


Since 1947, when Israel was first recognized as an independent country, the Middle East has been under political turmoil and unrest.  In 1967 and 1973, Israel was attacked by neighboring Arab countries in an effort to destroy them and “drive the Jews into the sea”.  Terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have been responsible for bombing buses filled with men, women and children, indiscriminately killing innocent people.  Most recently, conflict has heightened after the abduction and murder of three Israeli boys in the West Bank by members of the terrorist group Hamas.

The Israelis have long sought a peaceful solution to this crisis.  But they are tough and hardened from the threat and attacks that this tiny country has endured from the neighbors who surround and outnumber them by millions of people.  The Israelis have made clear that they will take all steps possible to avoid injury to innocent people; they respect life and peace.  But they will not–and cannot– simply stand back and do nothing while their people face constant rocket attacks, kidnappings and the murder and maiming of innocent Israelis.

Hamas and others in the world criticize the Israelis for causing injury to Palestinian civilians, but Hamas has placed these civilians in the line of fire by locating rocket launchers in schools, mosques and hospitals.  Can they really claim that Israel is responsible for these collateral injuries?  Indeed, it seems that Hamas wants these innocents to be injured and killed so they can ratchet up the public relations war against the Israelis.  And how can they complain about injury to civilians when they are launching rockets into Israel for the sole purpose of killing innocent Israeli civilians?  The Israelis fight back to protect their innocent people and punish those who have done wrong.  The Jewish motto “Never Again” calls to take action when enemies seek their destruction.  They will not let Hamas get away with what they’re doing.  Americans who have endured 9-11, Lockerbie and the recent barbaric beheadings of innocent American, British and French journalists and aid workers can surely understand the mindset that terrorism cannot be tolerated and that, as President Obama said in his U.N. speech on unrelated terrorist group the Islamic State, the only thing that terrorists understand is force.

As the American-led air force, in bombing the barbaric group ISIS in Syria and Iraq, took efforts to avoid civilian casualties, the Israelis similarly took steps to avoid the loss of innocent Palestinian lives.  Nor do they allow their own citizens to retaliate against innocents.  Hate and violence is rejected, regardless of the perpetrator.  When three Israelis retaliated against the killing of the Israeli boys in the West Bank and killed an innocent Palestinian teenager, these Israelis were prosecuted.  This is in stark contrast to Hamas’ protection of the murderers of the three innocent Israeli teens.  Once again, Israel was left to hunt these killers down, which they succeeded in doing just this past week.  The Israelis treat their wounded Arab neighbors in their own hospitals.  They have just as much respect for a Palestinian life as they do their own.  Before they blow up a building in Palestine, they contact the residents beforehand, letting them know and warning them to get out.  They are fighting against hate, injustice, and cowardice to protect their borders; if Hamas and their other enemies put down their weapons they would instantly do the same.

The Israelis want nothing more than to live in peace and coexist with their neighbors.  They are intelligent, resourceful and innovative, turning the desert into thriving and industrial cities.  The Israelis seek prosperity, safety and peace, not constant turmoil or war.  They are peaceful, honorable, and compassionate.  But they are fighting against a group with no honor or respect for human life, whether that life be innocent children whose schools they place their rocket launchers or the lives of innocent Israelis who ride buses or patronize restaurants that have been targeted by Hamas bombs.  Instead of respecting life and peace, or seeking growth and prosperity, Hamas is singularly driven by its obsession to see the destruction of Israel.  From birth, their children are taught to hate “Zionists”, a code word for Jews.   As Golda Meir, a former prime minister of Israel, said, “Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.”

The majority of Palestinians share Israel’s desire for peace and prosperity.  Many of them despise Hamas and its terrorist brutality, a brutality which has been inflicted on Palestinians and Israelis alike.  Just a few years ago, Hamas was at war with its rival Palestinian group, Fatah, and many Palestinians were killed and brutally murdered during that war.

The Palestinians and Israelis both deserve peace.  The Israelis and many Palestinians want     to live side by side in peace; to coexist and thrive, not hate each other.  But that cannot happen until the mentality of terrorism, hate and and injustice ends, and those who propose peace and working in harmony have their voices rise above those who propose killing and war as the only solution.  Until people can love, respect, be compassionate, peaceful, and value all life–hate, cowardice and injustice will continue in the Middle East.

Jenna Marcus


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