iPhone X


iPhone X to release October 27th
By Neel Cheruvu

The iPhone X is set to be ready for pre- order on October 27th. The name is commemorating the 10th year anniversary of the release of the original iPhone back in 2007. The iPhone has come a long way since then, and the iPhone X includes new features never seen before. It includes an OLED display, called the Super Retina Display. This new and improved display has a resolution of 2,436 x 1,125 pixels, and Apple says that the problems with brightness are now gone.

The iPhone X will have no home button; this feature makes it seems like Apple is trying to move towards the likes of the Galaxy Note 8. iPhone X user can just swipe up to access the home screen. Perhaps one of the few drawbacks of this new phone is that the cost will be around $1000, available in 64GB and 256GB. iPhone users may not want to purchase this new phone due to the very high cost.

A highly anticipated feature of the iPhone X is the newly introduced facial recognition, or Face ID. The user just has to glance at the phone and the infrared camera will identify you. If you are worried about this being less secure than Touch ID; don’t be. The new Face ID gives someone a one in million chance of unlocking your phone, while the aforementioned Touch ID gives someone a one in fifty thousand chance. The user can also temporarily disable Face ID if he/she chooses by simply pressing certain buttons on the ends of the phone. The iPhone X is a very exciting product and the technological world cannot wait until it is released!