How I Met Your [Dying?!] Mother


Kids, this is the story of how I met your mother and then she died.

It’s been a good 9 years of How I Met Your Mother that were filled with yellow umbrellas, slaps, and ducky ties. On March 31st it is all coming to an end, Ted will finally meet the mother, Barney and Robin will be married, and Lily, Marshall, and their kids will be living a blissful year in Rome.

What’s in store for us fans at the end of the season? What is going to happen to Ted and the gang once it is all over? Well I can’t tell you that, because I don’t know. There are plenty of theories of course but none of them have been confirmed by the crew of the show.

One very popular theory is one that might kill us all if it happens. For a couple of years now fans have had the thought in their mind that Ted is telling this story to his kids to remind them of their mother-because she died.

Now, personally, I didn’t realize that this might happen until it was all laid in front of me in a recently aired episode, Vesuvius, Ted and the mother are shown talking about an old story where Ted is telling her how Robin’s mother did end up coming to the wedding. The mother responds “Of course she showed up. What mother is going to miss her daughter’s wedding?” Of course the answer is a dead mother. Ted then appears to be fending off tears. This has led tons and tons of fans to believe that the mother dies and most likely will not be at her daughter- Penny’s wedding.

Now this isn’t the only hint that we’ve that has led us towards the idea of the mother’s demise, back in Season 8, Episode 20 Ted showed up at the mother’s doorstep and tells her that they are going to fall in love and get married. He also says that he wants those extra 45 days with her. This could mean that the mother is fine but it could mean that she dies a lot earlier than he does.

This could all be a load of crap of course, we are all aware of Craig Thomas and Carter Bays habits of messing with their viewers. There was Robin’s pregnancy scare, Lily leaving Marshall on more than one occasion, and Barney getting married to Quinn-they were all hoaxes. The only hint that we have gotten from either of them is when Carter Bays commented about the hour long finale on March 31st, ““We’re very excited about it because I think it’s going to be really heartbreaking, and sweet and wonderful.” Heartbreaking? Could it be? Both Thomas and Bays also said that they have been planning this finale since they first started the show nine years ago.

Cristin Milioti, the actress who plays the mother, was asked about the theory, “That’s insane…There are some crazy conspiracy theories, which actually makes me really love the fans more…That’s so crazy.” This has relieved some fans but she never said that the mother doesn’t die, nor did she say that the mother was still alive.

There are also many other theories with what could be happening on the season finale, some even think that instead of the mother dying, Ted could be dying but I highly doubt that is true since Ted is the one telling his kids the story in 2030. I guess we will just have to wait until the finale to see what happens.

No matter how this show ends many fans will be devastated to see an amazing show ending. Personally, I will be bawling my eyes out on March 31st and will fail epically at trying to find a show that could possibly fill the enormous void that will be left in me and so many other fans. No matter what happens I know that the finale will legen-wait for it-DARY, so everyone should suit up and accept the challenge of watching the hour long finale of How I Met Your Mother on March 31st at 8PM Eastern Time.