Hebrew Club Has Fun Learning About Jewish Holidays


By Alex Hall

Hebrew Club has started up again this year! The next meeting will be in March, where members will learn about the Jewish holiday, Purim. Hebrew Club meets about every other month, with the purpose of learning about the Hebrew language and the Jewish culture. Each meeting there’s a holiday, food, story, or something for people to participate in while they learn something new. 

Leah Polk, a junior at East, said that her favorite activity she’s done so far is decorating Hanukkah cookies at the first meeting. 

To date, the club has talked about Hanukkah and Tu Bishvat, two Jewish holidays that occurred earlier in the year. The co-presidents have also taught the club some letters in the Hebrew alphabet, with how to pronounce the vowels that accompany each letter. Officer Parker Levin said that one of her favorite things about Hebrew club is “learning Hebrew and [about] the yummy food.” 

The next holiday that the club is planning their meeting around, Purim, will be celebrated by members trying “hamentashen”, a Jewish dessert traditionally eaten around this holiday, in honor of celebrating Purim. 

For anyone unsure about whether or not to stop by, club advisor Mr. Meyer said, “Just come and try it out!” 

So if you’re looking to learn more about the Hebrew language, or interested in trying Hamentashen to celebrate Purim, stop by room 301 next meeting to check out Hebrew club.