I cannot put into words how proud I am of my field hockey family this year. I want to explode with pride every time I see one of these girls push herself harder, try a new trick, or pour all her love and support into this sport and team. As a senior and captain, I could not have hoped for a better year, or group of girls. I don’t know where to start in relaying this year’s triumphs. We beat North for the first time since the early 90’s, we held Pioneer to only one goal in overtime of our quarter final game, and we crushed Orchard Park right at the beginning of the season, the first time on turf. Every girl contributed to this game and family, never leaving a sister behind, or giving up. I saw underclassmen work their butts off to claim a win for their seniors at their last home game, and I saw seniors pour everything they had into this season, never missing an opportunity for a shot, stop, or pass. A team is built on trust and fun, two things these girls are certainly not lacking. I will never forget pre-game bird machine, the smell of oranges after a game, and the hoots and hollers of a winning Lasertron team.
I’ve seen all of these girls grow into beautiful, respectful, and intelligent young ladies, sure to succeed in anything they set their minds to. Seniors, I wish you the best as we leave and start the journey of the rest of our lives. Underclassmen, wear the red with pride, you never know what’s coming, or what you can achieve when you lay it all out there. Make us proud!
                               ~So… Today is your day!
                                 Your mountain is waiting.
                                 So… Get on your way!~
                                               Dr. Seuss
Love you girls,
I can’t think of a better word to describe how I feel about this team then “love.” Well maybe “obsessed” could work…or even “enamored.” You get my point. The memories I made playing field hockey for Williamsville East are some of the best. It was all the little things we as a team did that were my favorites, like pancake breakfasts, singing at the top of our lungs (all the time), driving Coyne bananas, going way too hard in any competition-like drill we did at practice (shout out to my WMB girls!), or pulling out goals with 35 seconds left in regulation time or 2 seconds left in overtime. I cried laughing more than I ever have in the 3 months spent with this team. Field hockey is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world, and playing it with such silly, caring, incredible athletes/friends/sisters was just incredible. While I loved playing with every girl on the team, what made it truly memorable was being able to spend my last season on the field with my little sister Danila. I love her to pieces and playing our favorite sport together my senior year made it absolutely amazing. If I had to choose a favorite memory, it would be the senior game versus Lancaster when my sister read aloud (which she hates doing public speaking anyways) my senior speech. I don’t like crying, but I could not hold back those tears when she read me that speech! D, I may act like you’re my annoying little copycat sister (which you are), but I wouldn’t want any other sister or teammate because you’re basically the best ever. I sobbed when Pioneer put in the winning goal in overtime to end our playoff run. But I didn’t cry because we lost the game. I cried because I could’t believe the day I had been dreading for months had finally arrived, in the form of an unlucky overtime loss to my most hated team in the league. I ask all of the returning fhockers and newbie varsity fhockers that next season, please shut down Pioneer once and for all! I love Williamsville East field hockey with my entire heart and it will forever be the greatest team I will ever be lucky enough to be a part of. If you hear that 10 or so people failed their senior year and weren’t allowed to graduate, it’s most likely us senior fhockers who didn’t want to graduate so we could stay and play another season. Once an East fhocker, always an East fhocker!
– Eleni
This season was unforgettable for the Williamsville East Varsity Field Hockey team, especially because ten out of our seventeen players were seniors.  Although we had many losses and triumphs the girls on this team never gave up.  Every practice and game was an example on how hard these girls worked and how determined each and every one was. All I can say how honored I was to be not only a captain to these girls but to be friends with each and every one of them.  I truly will never forget the treasured memories I have created with my coaches and teammates over the past six years of playing field hockey. We started off the season pretty strong going with about five wins and one loss.  We were coasting through the season and we knew it was going to be a special one.  Even though we hit a bit of a rough patch towards the middle of our season we never gave up.  We ended up digging ourselves out of our rough patch and winning and tying some of the hardest teams in our division towards the end of the season.  Although we didn’t make it as far into playoffs as we would have hoped I know that each and every one of these girls left everything they could on the field with no regrets. Not only were the girls on this team amazing and hard working, but so was our coach. Coach Coyne (Rajczak) is one of a kind.  She worked us hard and always made us try our best.  She was and is truly an amazing coach and I wouldn’t replace her for anything. Again, I would just like to say how grateful I am to have been playing with some of these girls for my whole high school career and wouldn’t give up one second of it for anything.
– Nadine
It’s quite difficult to accept that this fall was my last season playing field hockey.  It was very surreal to step off the field at Pioneer after our playoff loss knowing that I would never step onto it again.  I was so honored to be a captain with two of my best friends, Laura (Pippi) Finley and Nadine Pizzuto.  Honestly I would not trade this team for anything in the world.  We have become a family over the past several years, and I will never forget the memories we have made.  I seriously cannot express in words the love I have for every single member of this team.  We had ten seniors who went on the field every single day and played their hearts out.   We had seven underclassmen who did the same, knowing how much this season meant to us.
It’s a rare thing to have the friendship that we all have.  From all the singing on the bus rides, team dinners, team bonding, practices in all sorts of weather, dancing on the field during warm-ups, game day spirit, and thousands of pictures, I would not change any of it.  I want to thank these girls for making my senior season one I will never forget. Through the ups and downs we will always be a family.  I also want to thank our coach for putting up with our craziness over the past few years.  This article is so sappy, I apologize.  I just love this team and the whole field hockey program at East, and I wish the best of luck to all my fhockers next season.  Play your best and don’t have any regrets.  To my seniors: wherever life takes you, I know you will all be successful.  I’ll miss you guys so much.
Lots of love,
Seniors, yes, we had ten,
Each one will remember when
North fell to the mighty Flames
It was one of or most memorable games.
Our team acted as one
Really hard to believe it is done.
So underclassmen, go have fun!
2 our amazing coach
0ver the years-
1t will stay, thanks to you,
4ever in our hearts.
Love you all,
Liz Drz, V Motha T & Chippy
This year’s Williamsville East 2013 Field Hockey team was a family. This season we became sisters. We fought and loved like sisters. Nothing could have broke that bond between all of us. Some girls have been a part of the family since 7th grade and some joined the family just last year, but there is no difference in how much every single person on that team meant to each other. Not one girl on the team will deny the fact that they aren’t going to miss this season. It was such an honor to be a part of this team.
– Grace
These last four years of Williamsville East Field Hockey have come and gone, and it feels like just yesterday I was picking up a stick for the first time for tryouts my freshman year. Over the years, our team has developed a bond that will continue to be present even after the season and high school are over.
Being a part of the Williamsville East Field Hockey team is not just about scoring goals and winning games. It’s more than just having a whistle blown every five seconds, aerialing over everyone’s heads, and doing splits in the mud. It’s about coming together as a team/family and creating memories that we will never forget. Although our nine wins did make for an amazing season, the amount of fun we had really made all of those hard practices worth it. From braiding trains to dancing to warm-up songs, our seasons have always been one of the best times of the year for me. Our team was full of spirited and fun-loving girls, fantastic captains that kept us all in line, and a coach whose smile and positive attitude could not help but make you smile as well.
There are no words to describe how much I am going to miss this team–I think my tears from tryouts to our last game have said it all. The ladies of the field hockey team had a spectacular season, and I wish everyone (especially the nine other seniors) the best of luck in the future. I will miss you all terribly, and I will never forget all of the amazing times we had together.
—Julie Adams