Girl Up’s Annual Holiday Card Drive


By Colleen Meosky and Amanda Ojeda

As the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence ends, Girl Up is embracing its mission to help abuse victims. For the second year in a row, the club is organizing a card making campaign to spread some positivity this holiday season. With a target of 500 cards, Girl Up is inviting all community members to join in on the project, and volunteer hours are available for any interested students.

360 handmade cards will be sent to all residents and staff at Cornerstone Manor(a local abuse and homeless shelter run by Buffalo City Mission) to coincide with the club’s gender-based violence awareness campaign. Moreover, the season festivity won’t stop there because the club will be sending the rest of the cards collected to cancer patients at Roswell Park with the hope of reaching at least 140 more people with some holiday cheer during a challenging time. 

Each card in the card drive will be handmade, colorful, and creative, in order to make the season special for every resident and staff member. Volunteer hours will be available for NHS and Government, with each set of 5 cards counting as one hour. Hours can overlap between the two, for example, if you make 10 cards, you will receive 2 hours of gov. credit as well as 2 hours of NHS credit. Keep in mind that NHS does have a maximum of 5 hours one can receive through this card drive (equivalent to 25 cards). General community service hours are also available (eg: for church or outside organizations).

If you would like to help our mission this year, please drop off any cards before 2:00 on December 17th. There is a collection bin prepared on the side of the social studies department near the blue stairwell.