FBLA’s Fall District Meeting


c_FBLA_color (1)By: Sarah Wie

Future Business Leaders of America, or “FBLA,” is the largest club at East with over a quarter of the school in the club and over a quarter of one million members all across America.  As a club dedicated to service, leadership, progress, and, of course, meeting new people, Williamsville East’s FBLA will be hosting the annual Fall District Meeting here at East on Monday, October 19.  Mr. Burakowski, the marketing director of 43 North (the world’s largest business competition here in Western New York) will be the keynote speaker for the evening.  Workshops ranging from How to Run for State Office to public speaking tips to fun ice-breaker activities will allow students from all over District 12 to network with each other and learn vital leadership and life skills.  On top of all this, there will be a dinner from Chipotle (and let’s be honest, who can resist a burrito?).  District Officers will also be announced. The applications for District Officer are available on Williamsville East’s FBLA Facebook page and will be posted on WITS shortly, along with an email sent to all FBLA members.  Make sure to drop by the Business Office and get a packet including the Chipotle order form and Code of Conduct; return those forms along with the $12 registration fee for a memorable and thrilling evening to kick off a new year with FBLA!