FBLA Going Strong in December

An FBLA meeting in the auditorium.

By Nathan Wan

As we go onto this busy winter season, make sure to keep up with FBLA! With many events going on this month, be sure to check the calendar to stay up to date. FBLA’s month of November was extremely successful. We ran Commons Cafe again this month, but even though it was cut short due to the snow days, we still sold lots of waffles and apples. Thank you to all of those who volunteered.

Also, we held a chapter meeting on December 9th to update our members on current FBLA subjects and help them prepare for future events. We talked about our programs of work, which you can still sign up for, and competitive events at the State Leadership Conference in Rochester next year. There are still available spots on two of our program of work committees: Executive Challenge Committee and Career Development Committee. With around 80 different competitive events, there is a large variety of events that could be perfect for you. Event sign ups are due Dec 23 so make sure you pick the event you plan on doing this year ASAP.

Also, remember to think about joining the FBLA Honors Society or applying to become a state officer. We would also like to acknowledge our member of the month, Yoongyu Heo, for his dedication to FBLA and hard work. We also picked our shirt design for this year, designed by Arush Chapyala. Thank you for all of your amazing design submissions!

With Winter break soon and many due dates, make sure to keep yourself updated on FBLA with the FBLA Google Classroom or the bulletin board in the business office. Happy Holidays!