East’s Hottest Hits: What’s on the Playlist of Paradise?

Last year’s juniors at the pep rally. Image: Jasmitha Keesara (@keesaracreations)

By Armita Rohani

The biggest week of the year at East is drawing near: Homecoming is only a few short days away! A week filled with themed dress-ups, food, and a rambunctious bonfire and dance to nicely wrap it all up, Homecoming is one of the only times the entire school gets to come together and celebrate. Whether it’s your first or your last or anything in between, East’s Homecomings never fall short. This year, student council is hosting “Playlist of Paradise,” a music-genre theme where different classes will be dressing up as pop, disco, country, and rock (in order of seniority). Mark your calendars for October 2nd to 7th; it is going to be a busy week ahead. 

On Monday, October 2nd, classes will be wearing the colors that correspond to their grade: freshmen white, sophomores black, juniors yellow, and seniors red. Unlike the past years, the back designs of all the shirts will be the same; the only difference is the shirt color and the class numbers on the front. T-shirts can be found and ordered on WITS, or can be bought in school for $15 if there are any extras. The Pep rally will also be held at 1:30  in the gym–not outside like previous years. Varsity sports will all walk out, nominations for senior awards will be announced (under the categories school spirit, extracurriculars, academics, and students who embody TORCH) , and several class competitions will take place between different grades, with the freshmen almost always being the target. Whether you’re going to be screaming “go home freshmen,” listening to the pep band play, or just cheering all throughout, the pep rally is an energetic kick-off to the “Playlist of Paradise” week. 

Tuesday, October 3rd,  is “dress like an East teacher day.”  Whoever that teacher may be, remember their style of attire and try your best to replicate it. Wigs, makeup, a suit and tie, anything and everything will work–so long as you get the point across. To all staff, feel free to tell your students what you’ll be wearing on this day  too as it would be an immense help and a substantial weight lifted off of our shoulders. 

Wednesday, October 4th, is theme dress-up day—your role in the Playlist. Freshmen will be wearing pop: clothes from modern pop artists, or clothes that reference pop songs or pop culture. Sophomores will be wearing disco: take the classic shimmer and flow, sparkling and sequined, for example. Juniors got country music: anything that resembles the “wild west” and cowboy/farm culture will satisfy. Finally, seniors have rock: think loose t-shirts and leather jackets, along with dark colors and metal accessories. More  inspiration and ideas can be found online. Also on Wednesday is the care walk from 3-4pm on the track. Come with friends and bring $5 to raise funds for cancer awareness—you can even earn volunteer hours. 

Thursday, October 5th, will be “-ER” day. Both students and staff (although “teacher” does count) will be dressing up as something that ends with “-er.” Whether that is the pink panther or just a singer, there’s something for everyone, so feel free to be creative and explore the options. While dressing up can be fun, after school is when the heat gets rolling. The flag football game will be held at 5 pm: junior/senior girls will be playing flag football while the guys are cheerleading in the girls’ uniforms. After the game, Taste of East begins at 6 pm in the front parking lot. Food trucks will be selling snacks and drinks, while some of East’s many clubs will also be selling food to raise funds for their clubs. You are to purchase tickets at the event in cash only, and exchange the tickets for food. Make sure you bring enough money that will last you the night. At around 7:15, the famous bonfire will be lit, although it is weather permitting. With a warm blaze to end the night off, Taste of East is many students’ favorite night of the year.

On Friday, October 6th, seniors will be dressing up while the rest of the student body will be showcasing their school spirit by wearing red and gold. The Homecoming Court Pep Rally, which is to be held in the gym at 1:50, will wrap the entire week up. More games will be played between the classes, and the winners of the nominations for extracurriculars, academics, spirit, and TORCH will be announced. At 7pm, the Homecoming football game will take place at the fields, the concession stand will open, and the cheerleading team will put on a marvelous performance.

At last, the most anticipated event will take place on Saturday, October 7th, from 6-9pm: the Homecoming dance. Dress up nice—suits, dresses, or any other fancy attire—and get ready to have fun in the gym. A wide array of songs, decorations, food, and—most certainly—a photo backdrop will be provided for all those who come. Tickets are available only in the main office, and you will need your I.D. to enter.  

Gather your friends, take as many photos as you can, and have a blast at this year’s “Playlist of Paradise.” Take it from two  seniors: “It’s a bit of a fever dream but enjoy it! Try to get involved as much as possible with the spirits and events like Taste of East and just have fun! It’s what you make of it.” “I got nothing on enjoying the East experience, still figuring that out myself [after 4 years], the bonfire was really nice though.”  “I used to brush off all the sayings of how life is like a blink of an eye and all, but when you get close  to some of your lasts, it really hits deep. Cherish your moments and just have fun,” says a junior.  According to another: “Hanging out with your friends and going out to all the different activities offered is the most fun of [Homecoming]. The friendly competition between classes is also pretty entertaining.”  Whether it is your first Homecoming or your last, your second or your third, make the most of your time—both at East and at Homecoming. Time flies quickly, and you only get four to enjoy.