East Girls Soccer Embody Change


By Sarah Brunskill

Everyone has had their share of changes, and these changes allow us to choose how we react to it. At Williamsville East, the girls Varsity soccer team has encountered lots of change. “We embody change. There has been so much of it lately that we can overcome pretty much anything that comes our way,” Gianna Tuzzalino said. This is just one quote from the soccer team that shows resilience in the face of change. 

The East Varsity Soccer team has been a force to reckon with. No matter what they are faced with, they don’t let that take the game they love away from them. Coming off of a season of Covid and all of its precautions, the girls started their 2021 season without a coach. Though recently many changes have been big, the team also goes through some small changes. Whether it’s losing the seniors or players coming up, the team adapts for those players and improves together. 

Scarlett D’Amico, senior and captain, said, “We are always welcoming to new people on the team. It doesn’t take long for newcomers to fall right into place with the rest of us. We all bond over our love for the game and we know that the closer we are the better our team will be.” Sabrina Burker, an incoming Junior, mentioned, ”As being one of the new players, the team has been so welcoming and sweet to me and the other new players. We have had lots of fun team at bondings and they really bring us together.” The team creates a strong bond that allows them to adapt to those challenges and obstacles as a team. The team makes sure everyone feels included. 

Helene Olson, Senior, spills some of the team’s secrets: “[We] frequently text, laugh, make drills fun, [and have a] positive mindset.” One of the team’s main focuses is to stay close and together. They have had many team bondings over the season; one of them included making bracelets. You might even see one of the team’s players repping the bracelets made. Sabrina Burker added, “We have been able to do a couple of team bondings and I think that all of the fun spirits we have done this year help out as well.” During the Covid season the girls weren’t able to bond like they normally did. These have really helped to mend the team’s bond and solidify it. Simone Brock, senior and captain, mentions how, “Coming back from Covid has made the team much stronger because we all know how easily things can change. We aren’t taking anything for granted. Everyone is much more open with each other, and we know now more than ever that every play counts.”

Understanding that things change and adapting to it is a very important lesson the team has learned. Junior Courtney Wagener said, “We all know what it’s like to have some of the key elements of a season taken away from us, so we’re all trying to make the most of the season.” The girls don’t take their season lightly. They take advantage of every moment. This includes the start of their season, without a coach, the seniors started the year off with captains’ practices and helped to lead the first couple practices of the year. 

A major change happened this year for the girls’ soccer teams. With a sudden change and already entering their 2021-2022 season, they were introduced to a new coach. With a new coach comes a new approach. Gianna Tuzzalino, a sophomore, said, “I think there is going to be a new dynamic within the team because of our new coach.” Courtney Wagener, a junior, added, “I think the type of play we use, but that happens with every coach that you have to get used to the way they coach and want you to play.” Every year new players come and go, but it isn’t every year you get a new coach. Getting used to a new coach can be difficult, but the team has faced change and is learning to use it for the better. 

Scarlett D’Amico, shared her input on the new coach, “Coach Paul is really good about letting us do us on and off the field. He really lets us have a lot of input over our play.” The team is slowly adapting to new ideas that he gives to the team and the game. Junior Bella Nestico said, “I think that having coach Paul as our coach has helped and will continue to help us learn as players and as a team. We can always learn new things and I think that coach Paul has a lot to teach us.” One thing the team has taken to heart is having a positive outlook. No matter what happens the team will work together to improve each other. The team also makes goals together because what’s a team without goals (literally). Kat Surwill, Senior, wants “To win in states, sectionals, and form a greater bond with each other!” Gianna Tuzzalino agrees with Kat and adds, “to play to the best of our ability and have no regrets from the season.” When faced with challenges the East Soccer team does not back away. They face those changes head on and will end their season with no regrets.