Christmas: Not Just For Christians Anymore


There’s always that one day of the year when you just hope for snow to fall and everything to just fall right into place. We all hope for a white Christmas, to get together with family, and just get those presents you’ve been craving since December 26th of last year. But it’s not only Christians who celebrate Christmas anymore. People all around the world celebrate Christmas in many different ways. Specifically in America, Christmas is no longer displayed in its religious image. These days Christmas is not defined by the birth of Jesus, but by the tree and the presents. Sure it may happen in church, but is it widely talked about outside of church between families, especially during holiday season? Not really, everyone just focuses on presents and the decorations. This is why Christmas has spread to different cultures.

In the United States, there is a huge amount of different cultures, and our communities are so diverse that ideas come together and mix. Now a days you have so many people celebrating Christmas that originally wouldn’t have in their own countries. For example, in India there are a very few amount of people who celebrate Christmas, but in the United States there are many Indians who celebrate Christmas. Of course, some people stick to tradition, but their customs have been influenced by the widely celebrated holiday. So, due to the lack of religious aspects shown in the holiday for so long not many people tie in Christmas with religion. These days you can’t even find a religious Christmas card, or at least easily. Because of this other cultures have adapted the holiday because it isn’t going against their religion or it isn’t messing with their beliefs. Also, the aspect of religion doesn’t matter to other cultures, or they may have their own reason to celebrate Christmas besides the birth of Jesus.

Some cultures may not celebrate Christmas in particular but they may get together to work up to celebrating the new year that would only be days away. But some people may just want to get together with their families around this time. Most kids have break off from school, and parents have off from work. It’s the perfect time to get together with the family to talk, laugh, and have fun while eating some great food. No matter the circumstance many people around the United States, who aren’t only Christians, celebrate Christmas which has spread through the cultural diversity. No matter what one’s religion may be, Christmas has become an American—and global– tradition of spending time with one’s loved ones.