Chaperone Shortage


By: Harleen Kaur Picture3

Homecoming week just finished, and everything went great.  With the pep rally, -ER day, and the Taste of East the week was packed with fun. However, there was a slight issue with the dance this past Saturday night.  Because the school is having trouble gathering chaperones, they have been forced to limit the number of tickets.

The school was having trouble gathering even twenty chaperones for the dance when, in order to meet previous years’ student capacity, they would have needed at least thirty chaperones.

This can create multiple issues for students especially if someone makes a last second decision to go they may be unable to buy a ticket or for those students who were planning to bring a date from outside East.  As many of you know, if you want to invite someone from another school you must do so by filling out a form, but even then they are put last in line for receiving tickets.  This may limit the number of outside guests the school permits possibly leaving students without their dates.

For the next dance, try to buy your tickets ahead of time so you’ll definitely get what you need, and buy tickets if you need one for yourself or an outside date.  There is no harm in trying, but remember to keep an open mind and try to have fun anyways.