New Motors Could Combat Global Warming
By: Jenna Marcus
The levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have been rising at dangerous rates. As humans emit pollutants...
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Good or Bad?
By: Ananya Murthy
Historic. Landmark. Groundbreaking. Revolutionary. These are among many of the words that have been used lately to describe the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)...
How Asteroids Can Help Us Reach Mars
By: Sherrie Chen
With technology developing rapidly, we step closer and closer to the Universe. Mars is always the one on the top of the...
Don’t Believe Everything On Twitter
By: Morris Lee
These days, social media has been a huge part of our lives including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat as it has risen...
3-D Printer Saves Girl’s Life
By: Sherrie Chen
What can 3D printers do in our life? Most likely for printing model for architecture, engineering, etc. Who can believe 3D printers...
East Students Weigh In On 2016 Presidential Race
By: Wladimir Sarmiento
If you’ve ever been curious to know how your fellow peers would vote in 2016 if they could, now you have the...
Russia Increases Syria Bombing
By: Harleen Kaur
Earlier this month Russia increased its bombing campaign in Syria, more than doubling the number of strikes than was seen at the...
America’s Bread and Circuses
By: Wladimir Sarmiento
The presidential election process in this country has turned into a circus. We parade candidates around stages and stadiums, indulge in the...
Floods Threaten South Carolina
By: Anna Bella D’Amico
Ever since October 1st, South Carolina has been in a state of emergency due to the impact of Hurricane Joaquin. The...
America’s Bread and Circuses
By: Wladimir Sarmiento
The presidential election process in this country has turned into a circus. We parade candidates around stages and stadiums, indulge in the...