Understanding the NC 9 Special Election
A late conclusion to the 2018 midterm elections.
A Summer of Protests: The Hong Kong Anti-extradition Protests So Far
by Henry Su
For 14 weeks, the people of Hong Kong have donned masks, goggles, and umbrellas and taken to the streets of the city...
Mysterious Lung Illness Associated with Vaping
by Daniel Purizhansky
Throughout the last month, news of a vape lung illness has been dominating headlines nationwide. Officials from the Center of Disease Control...
Hurricane Dorian Sweeps Through the Bahamas
by Dan Purizhansky
During the first week of September, Hurricane Dorian swept through the Bahamas and devastated the country. The Category 5 hurricane has so...
The Freedom Dividend
by Ryan Chou
It was passed by the US House of Representatives, is used in Alaska, and is being supported by 2020 hopefuls such as...
U.S. Sees More Tragic Summer Shootings
by Elise Yu
The past summer saw many devastating mass shootings throughout the United States.
Virginia Beach, VA: On May 31, “a civil engineer for...
What’s Happening in Kashmir
by Maler Suresh
On August 4th, a small part of the world was cut off from almost all communication. Phone and internet connections, as well...
Running Out the Clock: Trump Invokes Executive Privilege
If you’re at the end of a game, be it basketball, football, or hockey, what have you, and you have the lead with less...
Famous Supreme Court Case Winner to Speak At East About Tinker v Des...
On May 30th, during second and third period, Williamsville East will be hosting Mary Beth Tinker who was just seventeen years of age when...
Packing and Cracking: Michigan’s Gerrymandered Districts and the Census
The Census is one of the most important democratic processes in our country. It creates the foundation for the electoral college, which awards representation...