U.S. Sees More Tragic Summer Shootings
by Elise Yu
The past summer saw many devastating mass shootings throughout the United States.
Virginia Beach, VA: On May 31, “a civil engineer for...
What’s Happening in Kashmir
by Maler Suresh
On August 4th, a small part of the world was cut off from almost all communication. Phone and internet connections, as well...
Running Out the Clock: Trump Invokes Executive Privilege
If you’re at the end of a game, be it basketball, football, or hockey, what have you, and you have the lead with less...
Famous Supreme Court Case Winner to Speak At East About Tinker v Des...
On May 30th, during second and third period, Williamsville East will be hosting Mary Beth Tinker who was just seventeen years of age when...
Packing and Cracking: Michigan’s Gerrymandered Districts and the Census
The Census is one of the most important democratic processes in our country. It creates the foundation for the electoral college, which awards representation...
Only American in Rwanda During the Genocide Speaks at Williamsville East
By Daniel Krieger
On April 6th of 1994, Juvénal Habyarimana, the then president of Rwanda, was assassinated. This was the spark those in the Hutu...
Israel Launches Major Space Project
On February 22, 2019, SpaceIL, an Israeli nonprofit organization specializing in space, announced that it had successfully launched a satellite, Beresheet, to the moon....
Congresswomen in White
At this year’s State of the Union Address, the women of Congress strikingly stood out. In a sea of black suits in a dark...
Abrams Dodges “The Curse”: A Rare Well-Executed State of the Union Response
Most politicians don’t want the burden of giving the State of the Union response for the party opposing the president. They usually come off...
Polar Vortex
By Dan Purizhansky
In late January and early February, news headlines across the world were dominated by news of a “polar vortex” in North America....