Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kim Jong Un Reappears

After nearly three weeks of speculation on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s whereabouts, he finally reappeared on Saturday May 2nd. In his absence, several rumours and theories flew around regarding Kim’s health. Many even thought him to be in critical condition, or even dead. Others believed he was self-isolating to avoid the coronavirus (although North Korean reports state their country to be virus free.) Kim has disappeared before and for longer periods of time. In September 2014, he went missing for 40 days. When he reappeared with a cane, South Korean intelligence reported that he probably had an ankle operation, though North Korean media did not explain where he had been.

April’s Job Catastophe

These last few months have been rough for the economy. We saw that with 701,000 jobs being lost back in March, which got revised...

It was looking all good for the last six years. Nearly hitting 4.0% GDP growth, every quarter had at least positive growth for every...

Airlines face heavy job losses

As talk of when the coronavirus pandemic will slow down continues, companies are gearing up for the worst. Airlines are being hit hard by...

Elon Musk, a Look Back

Elon Musk is a widely-viewed technological genius who is in charge of Tesla Motors, is trying to build a tunnel under L.A., and is...

March Employment Report

The March numbers are in for the mighty American economy, and things look really bad. That record-long job adding period of our economy? Gone....

Home Depot responds to coronavirus

Home Depot announced its plan to deal with the recent outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, as sales have not slowed for them with the...

Remembering NASA’s Katherine Johnson

By Grace Hwang Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician and trailblazer for racial and gender equality, died at age 101 on February 24. Even though the 2016...

New York State Plastic Bag Ban Takes Effect

By Henry Su The plastic bags that have become a cultural symbol of convenience and of urban decay, that held our takeout and choked our...

Tulsi Gabbard for President?!

By Gabe Guo After Super Tuesday, the field of presidential candidates significantly narrowed down. Pete Buttigieg - gone. Amy Klobuchar - gone. Mike Bloomberg -...

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