Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Stop Misusing the Founding Fathers

“A bunch of old, slave-owning, white men.” “True conservatives/libertarians who did not believe in government intervention.” These are just two of the many viewpoints being...

Heartbleed Causes Heartbreak

A new bug came and went over break, and it wasn’t the spring cold (although that was going around too). Dubbed as Heartbleed, this...

E-Cigs Research Still Up in Smoke

E-Cigarettes: they have dominated the scene in the United Kingdom and the teenage crowd- as well as older- in the US. Originally created as...

Hillary Shines in Recent Polls

Recent polls have shown that Hillary Clinton, were she to run, would trounce Democratic contenders and most Republicans.   The Washington Post reported in January that...

Milton Wolf

Milton Wolf is a radiologist and President Obama’s second cousin. He will be running against Kansas’s three-term senator Pat Roberts in the Republican Party...

Arizona’s Lack of Minority Rights Extends to Gays

Arizona’s State Legislature recently passed a bill that would allow businesses to refuse to serve homosexuals and other groups due to their religious beliefs....

The Minimum Wage Debate

If you pay attention to any major media outlet, you can tell that minimum wage has been a hot topic in Washington over the...

State of the Union Address

On January 28th, President Obama gave his annual State of the Union Address. He talked about many issues, both in foreign and domestic policy. During...

Rand Paul to Sue Obama and NSA

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky announced Wednesday 12th that he would sue President Obama and the NSA. Paul is filing the lawsuit along with...

The Nuclear Nun

An 82-year-old Catholic nun has been sentenced Tuesday, February 18th  to 35 months in prison after breaking into one of the U.S. government’s most...

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