No, Dr. Jill Biden Shouldn’t Need to Drop the Doctorate
After the historic 2020 election, the world is watching as a chaotic transition period begins. On January 20th, 2021, a currently uncooperative President Donald Trump will have to give Joe Biden the Oval Office. Accompanying Joe Biden will be his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, as the first First Lady to hold a doctorate degree. But many people are not celebrating this fact—instead, she is now under pressure to drop “Dr.” from her name.
A Year of Hypocrisy for Republican Lawmakers
For the past few years since I’ve gotten more actively engaged in the events of modern American politics, something has become apparent to me this year: morality does not seem to matter because hypocrites keep getting elected and re-elected to their positions.
Getting Rid of the Electoral College
The 2016 election was an extremely unique election for many reasons, one of them being that it was one of the rare times that a president won without getting a majority of the votes. The electoral college is what caused Donald Trump to get elected president over Hillary Clinton, even though she received almost 3 million more votes than him. It was at this time that many people noticed that the electoral college might be completely outdated, even though we continue to use it today. Continuing the use of the electoral college presents many problems, even if there were original positives to using it.
Voting for the Wrong Reasons: The Dangers of Careless Voting
By Amanda Ojeda
The 2020 election like many past ones, has without a doubt been a cause of arising concerns, tension, and confusion. Unlike most...
Final Election Prediction
By Ryan Chou
As of October 30th, election day is just a few days away. With over a third of registered voters having already...
Voting for the Wrong Reasons: The Dangers of Careless Voting
By Amanda Ojeda
The 2020 election like many past ones, has without a doubt been a cause of arising concerns, tension, and confusion. Unlike...
Those We Forget Online
Having an equitable learning environment is incredibly important to me. My brother is on the autism spectrum, and remembering the amount of extra time he needed to take tests, the amount of access he needed to discuss concerns with a teacher privately, and the encouragement and joy he derived from some truly fantastic teachers at Williamsville East High School, I am deeply concerned about the community of students like my brother whom are in an online learning platform that is non conducive to the learning these students need right now.
An Outsider’s Perspective
Oftentimes when we go through a school system with nothing else to compare it to, the experiences can get blurred. Many of the everyday things become boring when we get used to them. This happened to me before I switched from a charter school in New Hampshire to Williamsville East High School this summer. However, with a fresh set of eyes, I’ve been able to see some of the unique and interesting aspects of Williamsville East that makes us all lucky just for being able to attend. Yes, even though we have been forced to pursue online schooling, I still feel that the experience at East is special and noteworthy.
Why Rage Isn’t Enough to Stop Trump
With its sensational title, and the even more sensational reputation afforded to its author, Bob Woodward’s novel Rage has sold more than 600,000 copies in its first week of publication. But the premise of the book itself is not the reason that Rage has topped bestseller lists since its September 15 release.
The First Presidential Debate – Donald Trump versus Chris Wallace
In the history of the United States of America, September 29, 2020 will forever be engraved as the day the presidential debate was held with the moderator. As soon as the moderator announced the start of the debate and with it, his love of caramelized onions, Trump took offense from the latter and fiercely responded that “raw is justice”. The rest of the hour and a half just went downhill from there, so unintelligible that a foreigner wouldn’t even want to imagine.