Friday, March 28, 2025

The Power of Word: Speech is to be Used Justly

I as a trans individual am scared for my future every day that I am in this country simply because I exist. I wouldn’t have to live in fear of being in harm's way if others could simply leave people like me to our own devices. Our actions are to better fit ourselves. We do not harm anyone from just being trans. We are not broken. We are not diseased. We are human.

Doctors and Surgeons Struggling with Mental Health

Doctors, surgeons, and others in the medical profession are some of the most highly valued careers. They are tasked with managing their operations, passing along possibly devastating information to patients, and saving multiple lives per day. They are under high stress, high–stakes conditions almost every day. Doctors are human too. They experience stress, burnout, and depression as others do, sometimes suffering even more. 

How Deathly Close We Are to WW3

A five-minute speech can kill millions and put the world in turmoil; one bomb, one order, or one man, can lead the world to decades worth of destruction. With international tensions at a record spike—as well as public ignorance—another world war is far from unlikely.

A Plagued Mind Feeds on Intoxicating Thoughts

What you think is what you are. Your thinking controls your perception; in turn your perception guides your actions, beliefs, and analysis of a situation. In simpler terms, your reactions are from your thoughts. If your mind has been infected by some notion, it will hold onto it firmly and act accordingly; there’s nothing more that a sick brain hates than being told it’s wrong.

Originality Doesn’t Exist

Ideas are always subject to change as one learns and grows--such is life. We, as people, are always changing due to external influences. And yet, in considering the external nature of these influences, the implication is that nothing we do or are is truly original.

The East Wind is Shifting: Handling Change

East has changed a lot since last year--that much is certain. Last year saw the retirement of many familiar faces, and East--and the district in general--has honestly struggled to replace them, resulting in a shift in many of our staff’s responsibilities and expectations.

Tried and True Tips for the Fantastic Academic Year

Summer has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and we’re back to classes, homework, studying, and tests. It may seem intimidating, but here are some tips for helping you stay on top of it if you want to excel this year, coming from a senior who has had a pretty sweet academic track record.

Will the U.S. Ever Improve Parental Leave Policies?

Palau, Tonga, the Marshall Islands, Suriname, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, and the United States. You may be wondering, what does the United States have in common with these other countries (some of which you’ve probably never heard of)? Well…they all have unpaid parental leave. Meaning, the US is the only first-world country lacking in guaranteed paid parental leave.

A Teacher’s Worst Nightmare: On ChatGPT in the Classroom

“I submitted a 4000 word essay in December, most of it was written with ChatGPT… I got an email today stating I have been found in violation of the student conduct of plagiarism… [what] do I do?” — Posted by an anonymous graduate student on Reddit

Everything Will Be Alright: Against a Culture of Competition

I am living in a nightmare, from which from time to time I wake in sleep. — Ursula K Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven

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