What’s eating you?
by Emma Kelsall
Imagine the scene. It’s a Friday night and you’ve just gotten home from an exhausting week at school. All you want to...
The Death of Class Rank
It will not be missed.
You can’t prove patriotism
What we have today in the United States is tribalism, not patriotism.
A Valedictorian’s Opinion on Rank
By: Ani Nrusimha
Let me be clear: Â as the Valedictorian of the class of 2017, I abhor class rank.
Class rank may seem to be commonplace...
Standardized Tests Need to Change
By: East Side Staff
Just last month children in New York State from grade four through eight finished taking their New York State Math and...
Feeling the Bern Won’t Fix Everything
By: Wladimir Sarmiento
As we all no doubt have realized by now, Williamsville East is, for better or for worse, a haven for liberal ideology....
The Injustice of the Wage Gap By: Anne Marie Jones
Say that both of your parents are lawyers.  If you were to compare their incomes, your father’s would be more.  Not because he necessarily...
East Needs a New Policy for Concussions
By: Editorial Board
Students constantly receive injuries throughout the school year, and our school is very lenient in allowing students to feel comfortable in the...
An Exchange Student’s Impressions
By: Maria Kronenberg dos Santos
My name is Marina Kronemberger dos Santos; I am from a city called Petropolis in Brazil, and I can not...
Competition taking away from education
By: Steph Wetzel, Caroline Schnabel, Nicole Kazmierczak, Kasey Vangelov, Madison Irene
It’s that time of year where National Honor Society WITS Mails were sent out...