Opinions on the Presidential Race Thus Far
*The following is a fictional conversation between two citizens, each representing a member of a different party. This conversation attempts to display the major viewpoints of members of these parties regarding recent developments in the presidential race. The opinions expressed in this piece do not reflect actual beliefs of the authors*
Interview Transcript, State of the Union Showcase Vintage Biden
It’s no secret the last few months have been difficult for the forty-sixth President of the United States. Questions over Biden’s economic policies, handling of classified documents, and, above all, his mental fitness have been repeatedly raised. But a recent transcript of the Delaware native’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, as well as March 7th’s State of the Union Address, are, to supporters of the president, glimpses of the classic Joe Biden that was elected President.
The Queer-Casting Discussion
Representation in the media is very important nowadays. One of these groups, whom we will be focusing on today, is the LGBT community, and namely, their representation in movies and TV shows.
Malnourished, caged, and overbred, are just a few of the brutalities inflicted upon dogs across the country at the tortuous chambers commonly known as puppy mills. These dogs that are kept at puppy mills are essentially treated as cash crops to feed dog-owning Americans with their desired dog breed. The treatment imposed on the dogs can only be described as cruel and undeserving, and more actions must be taken to end this savagery.
Roughly only 327,000 of the 4 to 7 million Indigenous people in the U.S. speak their native language, according to a 2006-2010 study recorded by the American Community Survey. This chasm between them and their ancestral languages has resulted in the loss of oral traditions and customs. Yet this tragedy still remains to be properly addressed, and many don’t view it as a large issue, despite its roots extending to two centuries ago.
Monopoly is Not Just a Game
Most people have played MonopolyTM sometime during their life. After only one game with a few people, it's easy to tell that the more assets you accumulate (businesses, properties, etc.) the richer you can become— at the expense of the other players, of course. The same premise is present in the United States economy in a more complicated manner.
While many students have gotten accustomed to new ridiculous sleep schedules and late nights of homework, a myriad of studies demonstrate the negative effects of sleep deprivation and how it negatively affects their in-school performance. As a result, we need to start pushing high schools to start at later times in order to accommodate to students’ sleep schedules and provide them with the necessary rest they need in order to function as effectively and efficiently as possible during school hours.
By Chloe Viyannalage

Competition. It’s everywhere, from sports games to crazy bets with friends. Recently, however, there has been an increased level of competition...
The Artist and Art: Reclaiming Work
For many of us, separation of the art and the artist is difficult, to a degree. Without any knowledge of the artist, it’s entirely possible to appreciate good art, admiring the technique and thought that went into it. And yet, it’s impossible to entirely sever the connection between the two when the two entities have built each other up so heavily. It’s impossible to not associate the artist with their art.
Veteran’s Day: It’s Not Just Another Day Off
Imagine facing all hell and the All-Mighty, watching some of the most horrific and inhumane scenes in history, and putting your life on the line for a generation of entitled brats who don’t think twice about the sacrifices you made for their freedom. Veterans and military personnel are the only reason we have this country to begin with; only two days of the year are set aside to honor them and the majority of people don’t even bat an eye. Veterans Day is not another day off, it’s a day to honor and commemorate people who have served our country so that we can have the rights we take for granted today.Â