Carry the Torch – Mrs. Sloma


by Thomas F Hurley II

Carry the Torch - Mrs. Sloma

I have held on to the Torch for far too long. We have such a great group of colleagues to be working with, I found it difficult to narrow it down to a single individual to receive the coveted award. Nonetheless, I am passing the torch on to Gail Sloma, Library Clerk Typist. Gail is an incredible resource and seems to be tireless. She has been absolutely dynamite the first part of the year while we had a vacancy in the Educational Aide position. Gail took on several of Joni’s responsibilities including Inter Library Loans, scheduling, making displays and finishing our move. She has changed the student culture by consistently getting students to renew library materials instead of bringing them back when they feel like it. She politely holds them accountable and we have lower loss rates because of her. Gail really gets to know students by advertising their book recommendations, processing class t-shirts and talking about her East spirit corner. She challenges me, in and appropriate manner, to consider different ways to provide service to our students and staff. Our East community is a much better place because we have Gail giving it her all each and every day!