Mrs. Catalano is an extraordinary person. I’m so lucky to have her as a co-worker as well as a dear friend. I feel that Mrs. Catalano deserves this award for her dedication to helping students and being a resource to faculty as well. She always has a smile on her face and is willing to help. She opens up her schedule to meet with as many students as possible. Most days I see her eating her lunch while helping someone and at times even sharing her food with a student that is hungry. She works hard to make meaningful connections with her students and form positive relationships.  In addition to her job as a reading specialist she is part of the literacy team and helps to organize the annual Stratford trip. Mrs. Catalano also volunteers her time to help with FBLA. When I have a question about something Mrs. Catalano is someone I know I can count on. She is a great sounding board and does her research to know what works with kids. I want to thank her for her commitment to education.
So congratulations to Mrs. Catalano and have a great weekend everyone!