Career Day


By: Carly Recoon

This past Friday, we had our annual Career Day at East. This program is a time for students to explore different careers that they might be interested in by listening to presentations by people working in a specific profession. Career day is taken very seriously by some, including all of our administrators and teachers. Although a lot of students see this day as a time to get out of class and blow off some time, it is important to take Career Day seriously; the advice and networking that we gain from these encounters is invaluable.

Sessions that were offered covered almost every profession under the sun. From Accounting and Neuropsychology to Interior Design and Visual Arts, there was truly something for everyone. Brianna Bucello, a Junior, who was in the Nursing and Military courses, says, “It was a great way to explore different career choices and hear from people who share the same interests as you. I thought the day was very beneficial and I got to learn more from professionals”.  This feeling was shared by many who also value the importance of Career Day. A word to the wise for underclassmen, and current Juniors who have another Career Day next year is to choose wisely. You should always pick the sessions that are most appealing to you and not just what your friends are picking because it important explore your interests and not your friends. Furthermore, it is a great time to possibly form a connection with one of the presenters and network and market yourself outside of the classroom. When given the opportunity to do so prior to college: it can be priceless. Additionally, Juniors and Seniors who are looking to do Internships in the 2016-2017 school year also should put a lot of thought into their session selections for Career Day, because you never know who you will meet during a presentation.

Another part of Career Day (for the Seniors) was the Alumni Panel. Seniors got a chance to hear from recent graduate about their experiences in high school and how that has impacted them in college and beyond. Shannon McNulty, a senior, shares, “The Alumni Panel during Career Day was very informative and helpful for Seniors who are going off to college next year. It was nice to have Alumni talk about their experiences and how East has prepared them for their college years.” The general consensus of the Alumni Panel was how helpful and informative it was. It helped to calm nerves and anxiety for a lot of Seniors who are stressing about college next year.

Overall Career Day is an interactive and exciting day at East which students should take seriously. For students who do take it seriously , it is a time to explore possible future tracks, and to meet people in the industry.