Business Classes Go to City Court


By Maureen Meoskydownload

Last week, business and personal law classes took a field trip to the Buffalo City Court to learn about Buffalo’s court system and witness what they had been learning about in action. There, they observed small and commercial court claims, mainly involving inner city residents of the city of Buffalo, being brought to legal attention.

Joe Meosky, a student who went on the trip, was able to answer some questions about what he learned and his overall experience on the trip. When asked what he learned on the trip, Joe said that the students were educated on the inner and outer workings of the court system. More specifically they learned, as he said “how basic trials take place as well as what systems there are for processing those who have been arrested.”

In addition to this, students were able to witness public cases and the process in which decisions concerning these cases were carried out. Students learned about different ways of rehabilitation for those who have been affected by drug and alcohol abuse as well. This proved to be a valuable source of understanding for those studying in business and personal law classes. When asked about his overall learning experience on the trip, Joe said, “It was an interesting field trip that I would take again if given the opportunity.”



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