Q: I’ve been thinking about way too much lately all at once. Not just school stuff, but stuff outside of school too. How do I handle thinking about so many things at once?
A: Now is the time of year when everyone is stressed about exams. Stressing about stuff outside of school will only make you more upset. It’s always good to focus on one thing at a time. Thinking through tough situations in your life is not a bad thing to do, but once you think about too much at once, you start over thinking. Try thinking about one thing at a time. Talking to people is also a great way to relieve stress, but if you are not comfortable talking to people about certain things,  then taking the time to think things through little by little will definitely help.
Q: I’m very upset that newspaper club is almost over because it is coming to the end of the school year. How should I handle this?
A: There are many journalism workshops that take place over the summer. Writing is a great thing to get involved in. You could also read the paper at home or articles online. Summer will probably go by fast meaning newspaper club will be back in session and there’s always the journalism elective.