Advice Column: Ask Steph



Q: How can I balance a busy schedule and a lot of homework at the same time?

A: I think it all depends on when the assignment is due how much you have going on after school. If you have a couple days to do the assignment, then do it on the day you have the least amount of activities going on after school. If you have something going on every day, then there’s no harm doing work during your free periods. Starting your homework right when you get home from school instead of starting it hours later is also an option. If you have a big test to study for, ask a friend or a teacher to go over some of the topics with you during school. It’s hard to handle so many things at once, but getting your work done as soon as possible gives you more free time.


Q: I feel like I’m losing my best friend, what can I do to make sure she’ll always be by my side?

A: Never lose touch. Try talking to them whenever you get a chance and continue to invite them to hang out with you and your other friends. If they are busy, or tend not to hang out with you and your other friends, then try planning a day for just the two of you. Something that they enjoy doing. Mention to them that you miss seeing them and try bringing up old memories that make both of you smile. It’ll make the other person feel as if you really miss them, and maybe encourage them to make plans to hang out with you. The bottom line is, if you put in an effort and try to make plans with that friend, they will hang out with you.

Q: How can I convince my parents to extend my curfew?

A: You could try proving to them that you are responsible, explain to them that you won’t be out that late and tell them where you are going. If your friends have a later curfew than you, then maybe try explaining that to your parents, not to get on their nerves, but so that they would know who you are out with and how long you would be out for.