East’s Class Officer Election Results


One cannot underestimate the responsibilities our Student Council and class officers must shoulder.   While these highly motivated students juggle challenging coursework, sports, music, clubs, and a dozen other activities, they must also help organize schoolwide events like Homecoming and the subsequent dance, Twisting for Turkeys and our Valentine’s Day Carnation Sales as Student Council officers as well as providing funds for many field trips such as the biannual music field trip.  The job of a class officer is no less difficult; they must put on dozens upon dozens of successful fundraisers to make sure their class can enjoy a fun and affordable JDD and Prom.


This year, several students rose to the challenge and ran for one of these illustrious offices.  They had to make enticing posters that would catch the school’s eye and prepare a speech that would blow their audience away.  They had to battle nerves, stage fright and naysayers to prove to the student body that they were the most qualified to ensure a successful year ahead.


This year’s Student Council elections will go down in history as one of the few to have freshmen run for office; freshmen were running for every elected post on Student Council this year.  Unfortunately, none of them won, but their enthusiasm and passion for East surely indicates a bright future for our school.


Freshman Sarina Divan and junior David Fan ran for Student Council Treasurer while freshman Alanna Kramer, sophomore Ananya Murthy and junior Chris Tideswell ran for Student Council Secretary.  Freshmen Abbie Yi and Trish Picklehaupt ran for Vice President along with sophomore Brian Morreale.  Five students ran for Student Council President this year; freshman Timmy Finley (who did a backflip on stage) and juniors Josh Taubman, Cindy Ly, and Michelle Dao as well as East Side chief co-editor Melissa Li.  Next year’s Student Council officers will be Cindy Ly, Brian Morreale, Chris Tideswell and David Fan.


All for junior class officers ran unopposed this year; as such, no ballots were counted.  However, candidates did have to give speeches; treasurer Harry Yun ate a stick of beef jerky on the podium while other candidates simply uttered “Thank you,” and left the stage.


The sophomore class’ secretary Allie Walker and treasurer Kevin Xiang both ran unopposed this year.  Adam Teach, Andrew Searns, Anjor Khadilkar, and Sean Riches all ran for Vice President.  Incumbent Alex Tzetzo and David Stengel both ran for President.  Next year’s officers are Alex Tzetzo, Adam Teach, and unopposed candidates Kevin Xiang and Allie Walker.


Once again, the freshman class outdid the others in their enthusiasm, amassing a bevy of candidates for their class offices; no fewer than six students ran for the office of Secretary.  After a veritable barrage of posters and speeches, next year’s officers are incumbents Sam Schatmeyer for President, Madison Irene for Vice President and Sarina Divan for Treasurer as well as Drew Kleinmann for Secretary.


While many students are critical of school elections and dismiss them as a popularity contest, it’s important to realize that our officers have almost always done an admirable job.