East Students’ Perspectives on the Election


    By Allison Li and Colleen Meosky

    In the last week of October, students at East were given a survey asking them about their perspectives on the election. The 105 responses came from Concert Band, a Latin 3A class, a Chemistry A class, and a combination of Mr. Huber and Mrs. Ehmann’s students. Here is what we learned. 

    The survey results indicated overwhelming support towards Biden. Regarding the question of who they would like to see win the election, the majority of students responded with former Vice President Joe Biden. Only 13.3% of responses supported President Trump’s reelection. A few individual responses included Andrew Yang, a “write-in”, and no preference.

    While the vast majority of students want to see President Trump out of office, not as many people believe Joe Biden can beat him. Out of the 82 students who wanted Biden to win, thirteen of his supporters did not believe he would actually win.

    When asked if they were eligible to vote in the upcoming election, as expected, the vast majority of responses were no. Only five survey participants are eligible to vote.

    With the elevated political tension this election season, it seems like more voters are choosing to showcase their beliefs and support through lawn signs. While there are quite a few creative options available this year, 49.5% of the survey participants prefer the simple Biden Harris 2020 signs. Two responses mentioned they were for “Any Functioning Adult 2020.”

    Based on the results of this survey, Williamsville East students are clearly in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House, which is noteworthy considering East is located in what is often known as the most Republican district in New York State.