Looking Back on the Commons Café

FBLA students hard at work behind the booth.

The wildly successful Commons Café, sponsored by FBLA, came back to East for the last two weeks before Thanksgiving.

Last year, the Commons CafĂ© ran once in the winter and once in the spring.  This year, it will be able to run once a month due to the immense popularity it enjoyed last year. Be sure to stop by the Commons CafĂ© the next time it’s running later this winter. If you didn’t notice, it is located in the back corner of the Commons beside the Red hallway and the business wing. When it is open, it is open every period and even before school, for any of you early birds. Don’t miss out on this second opportunity for quality food and drinks at phenomenal prices!

The wintertime Café served a variety of hot drinks as well as oatmeal.  Oatmeal, coffee, and tea were all one dollar each; several varieties of oatmeal and tea were available.  French vanilla cappuccinos (the most popular item on the menu), hot cider, and hot chocolate were all a dollar and fifty cents.  Prepaid cards were also be sold for five dollars, and could be used to buy any five drinks of your choice regardless of their cost; therefore, if you used a prepaid card to buy five cappuccinos, you can save two and a half dollars compared to the price you’d pay if you didn’t use a prepaid card. What a deal! Prepaid cards are good to use all throughout the year, so next time the Café is open, you should definitely purchase one! In the future, the “specials of the week” will include a variety of items, even Ramen Noodles! This Café is not just limited to drinks but is also branching out to popular (and delicious) food items.

The café ran during the entire school day from November 18th to November 22nd. For the next café, remember that drinks bought from the café must stay in the Commons; if they’re brought upstairs, the café could be shut down. Please abide by these rules so everyone can enjoy the Commons Café next time as well.

The café’s success is largely due to FBLA’s officers, particularly co-Presidents Zachary Richheimer and Dan Franasiak as well as FBLA’s Fundraising Chairperson, Kianna Early.