Cool Clubs You Can Join!


School Clubs Round-Up
By Priya Pindirpolu

Drama Club- Do you love singing and acting? Well then drama club is the perfect place for you. Although the auditions for the fall play, The Crucible, have already occurred, the Musical will be holding auditions in November. This year’s production is Beauty and the Beast.

FBLA- FBLA is one of East’s largest clubs. This club is great for making friends and meeting new people. It is a great way to meet upperclassmen. FBLA helps develop leadership skills through business education. There are also various competitions throughout the year. For more information see Mrs. Anzalone.

Foreign Language Clubs- WEHS offers a variety of LOTE clubs including: Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin Club.

GSA– Williamsville East’s Gay Straight Alliance Club offers students the opportunity to hang out in a safe space, discuss issues we care about and to socialize along the way.

Masterminds- This club is for people who have a knack for memorizing not just facts learned in school, but sports, pop culture trivia, current political events, art and music history, etc. Masterminds welcomes you all to try out for this club, but don’t get discouraged if you don’t make it in!

Mock Trial- Are you an aspiring lawyer? Then Mock Trial is perfect for you. Teams in New York State are given a legal case with a case summary, affidavits, and evidence. The students act as lawyers or witnesses and they compete against other schools. Mock Trial models real trials and students become familiar with the legal system. Try outs for Mock Trial will be towards the end of September!
Model UN- Are you interested in international affairs? Model UN allows students to model a United Nations Conference, in which students discuss foreign policy in a number of different committees. Students discuss the best resolutions to their assigned country’s policies through parliamentary procedure.

Earthwise- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle… Earthwise students pick up and sort the recycling bins throughout the school, and you can receive government hours.

Newspaper- Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Newspaper club is the place to be. You must be a competent writer, responsible and independent. Writers have the freedom to choose what they would like to write about, such as writing a National article one week then switching to a Science/Tech article a week later. Newspaper club meets every Wednesday in 204. Newspaper Club also holds a coffeehouse about four times a year on a Friday night, where there are student performances, food, and fun!

Science Olympiad- This Club is great for those who enjoy science and includes all topics/events from earth science to building helicopters! Members of Science Olympiad have the opportunity to win medals at the regional or state level competition. Those who are interested are encouraged to try out!

Service Club- The WEHS Service clubs provide students the opportunity to volunteer within the community. Membership is open all year and updates of Service Club volunteer events are sent to everyone’s witsmail.

Shakespeariment- “to be, or not to be: that is the question.” William Shakespeare. Are you fascinated by the works of Shakespeare? Shakespeariment dedicates itself to “doing more with Shakespeare”. Perform monthly “guerilla shows”, participate in a monologue competition, and act in one of Shakespeare’s plays in May.

Stage Crew- Do you want to get involved in the school musicals, plays, and concerts? Stage Crew works with the sound and lighting in the auditorium, and no experience is required.

Steering Committee- Get involved in your Freshman class steering committee, which is composed of students who want to help the advisors and class officers plan class activities.

Unity in Diversity- Unity in Diversity is a great way for any students to meet new people and possibly new friends, along with different cultures you’re used to seeing. The club advisors are Mr. Huber or Mrs. Korn and it takes place in room 214. You have the opportunity to join different groups/countries within Unity and they become like a family to you. This club is a great place for freshmen to start when joining clubs!