Cologne Attacks Raise Tensions


By: Leena Sen_87501938_030786721

Following numerous and repeated attacks of sexual nature in Cologne, Germany during New Year’s Eve celebrations, tensions are running high regarding Germany’s migrant policy.  While police have not yet charged all of those responsible for the hundreds of robberies and sexual assaults throughout the city, there are 21 suspects.  Eight of these suspects are currently in custody and are of North African descent, specifically Algerian or Moroccan descent.  One Algerian man of 26 years is the first to be connection with a series of sexual assaults during the celebrations.

They are mostly migrants; this realization has led to increased radar regarding Germany’s North African migrants, as many women have been assaulted by groups of these men.  This has only further supported those who believe Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door refugee policy is inefficient and is putting Germany’s citizens at risk.  Although she has consistently attempted to reassure opposers that Germany could handle such high numbers of migrants, she is now subject to pressure from those who are demanding a cap on migrants.

Those in favor of the open-door policy are fearful of Islamophobia, and wish to avoid this harmful attitude.  Therefore, Chancellor Merkel’s government has announced that they are working towards creating a new law to ease the deportation of asylum seekers who commit crimes in Germany.  Merkel’s response to this tense situation is integral to the outcome of Germany’s migrant policy.