Space Balls Land in Vietnam


By: Kasey Vangelov


On January 2nd, the people of the Yen Bai and Tuyen Quang provinces were terrified by metal balls.  They fell from the sky in Vietnam, making loud thundering noises that scared the townspeople.  The largest of three balls weighed around 100lbs; thankfully, no one was hurt.

As of now, the balls are being investigated by the Vietnamese military.  They are suspected to be of Russian origin, but it is not certain if they are, or if they are those of another country..

The balls could have fallen due to a failed satellite launch, or they might have been debris orbiting the Earth; these debris have been know to crash land every once in awhile.  At this time, Vietnam, along with every other country’s government, isn’t considering aliens as the source of the space balls, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.