Charlie Sheen has HIV


By: Peter ZeCharlie-Sheen-creepyng

The man with “Tiger bl
ood” and “Adonis genes” has been diagnosed with HIV. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a disease which progressively decreases a person’s ability to deal with diseases due to the failure of one’s immune system.

It seems that Charlie Sheen was blackmailed into releasing this information on NBC’s Today Show after people demanded money in order to keep it a secret. This was after he had already paid several people “in the millions” who he thought he could trust in order to keep this information hidden. Sheen has said that those who are blackmailing him for money aren’t just harming him, but they’re also taking away money from his five children. That is a very disgusting thing to do.

But how did Sheen contract this disease? He doesn’t know. However, he was diagnosed with HIV after he had multiple headaches and sleepless nights and decided to get checked out. HIV is usually spread through unprotected sex and the sharing of needles during drug use. The positive part to this whirlwind of surprises (if there is one) is that Sheen fortunately does not have AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) which are essentially the later symptoms of HIV. Also, when his doctor was interviewed, Sheen was reported to be a healthy man who didn’t have AIDS–just HIV.

Charlie Sheen has had a very interesting life, certainly with its  rough patches. It comes as no surprise, then, that the public would latch onto this negative news and make light of it, considering the actor’s eccentric comments, many of which spawned memes.