Summer Concerts in Buffalo


Summer is coming up fast, meaning there will be a lot of fun activities going on including concerts. There has been a lot of talk about going to Darien Lake over the summer, not only for the rides, but for the outstanding concerts that take place.

Concerts at Darien Lake are beginning in early June and ending in early September. A few freshmen girls were excited about seeing the bands Paramore and Fall Out Boy perform on Wednesday, July 2nd at Darien Lake. Multiple bands are not performing alone, but with other bands.

For example The Goo Goo Dolls, who performed at Darien Lake last summer, are returning to perform with Daughtry and The Plain White Ts on Friday, August 22nd. There is also The Backstreet Boys and Avril Lavigne performing Wednesday, June 18th. Both of those performers have different styles of music, yet would sound good together. Some of the bands performing together are very different; however, it was smart of them to be performing together to keep people interested in how they will perform.  There has also been a lot of talk about Vans Warped tour that will take place on Tuesday, July 8th, beginning at 11:00 am. Many people interested in alternative music would enjoy going to that.

The good thing about all of Darien Lakes concert is that there are a variety of different styles of music being performed. By having two different bands perform together, it makes things unique and people develop an interest in going to see how the bands will perform together.

Darien Lake isn’t the only place people are excited to see concerts at. ArtPark is another common attraction. The music that is typically played is not modern music. There are bands such as Hall and Oats that will be performing there this summer. There are some modern bands that play there, but mostly older bands. Arctic Monkeys is a more modern band that will be performing on June 18th. They are one of the many concerts that have been sold out.

Plenty of concerts are taking place over the summer. Many bands with different styles of music are performing together. Whatever your taste in music is, you are nearly guaranteed to find at least one concert that you would be excited to go to.

by Steph Wetzel