FBLA Hosts Elections and Prepares for Nationals


With the last day of classes quickly approaching, FBLA held its final meeting to elect officers for the 2014-2015 school year. Members that ran for election were confident and poised while giving their speeches in front of their peers. Committee Chairperson and East Side staff writer Ananya Nrusimha even took her speech a step further by singing it to the tune of the original Pokemon theme song (while running unopposed, no less). A record total of 16 people ran for 7 positions: Felix Chin and Chris Winiecki for Fundraising Chairperson; Alanna Kramer for Parliamentarian; Ananya Nrusimha for the newly combined dual role of Historian/Reporter; Manogna Chintala, Emily Shi, Aniruddha Nrusimha, and Sarah Wie for Secretary; Jenny Tu and David Fan for Treasurer; Michelle Dao and Caroline Wang for Vice President; and Melissa Li, Robin Marshall, and Shubhangi Mehra for the co-President position.

The list of elected officers can be found on the FBLA bulletin board in the business wing; it includes Melissa Li and Robin Marshall as Co-Presidents, Michelle Dao as VP, Shubhangi Mehra as Program of Work Chairperson, Caroline Wang as Chapter of the Year Chair, Emily Shi as Secretary, David Fan as Treasurer, Ananya Nrusimha as Historian/Reporter, Chris Winiecki as Fundraising Chair, and Jenny Tu as Commons Cafe Coordinator. Congratulations of all who ran and the newly elected officers! They will be officially inducted at the District 12 FBLA Fall District Meeting later this year.

But FBLA activities don’t end when school does. The club’s latest spring flower sale and Commons Cafe fundraisers were held with the intent of raising money for our chapter’s trip to Nationals. Williamsville East FBLA takes care of business in Nashville this summer from June 29th to July 4th at the National Leadership Conference. There, chapter members will be representing our school on the national stage by competing in various business-related events, attending workshops, electing national officers, and networking with students and professionals from all over the country. But FBLA conferences are never just about learning how to wear ties or write a resume. The 27 East students attending the national conference will also have the opportunity to stay in a starred hotel and take a musical  tour of Nashville. Every business executive needs to take some time off for vacation, right? The FBLA Nationals experience is like no other. Junior Erin Jozwiak said, “”FBLA is my favorite club at East and allows me to learn skills I can use in real life! I have met many new people and can’t wait to meet more at Nationals in Nashville this year.” We wish all competing students luck at the National Conference!”

by Melissa Li