Meet Ms. Girzone: East’s New Music Teacher

Image: Natalie May

By Robin Solazzo

The music department at East is a fun and lively place, and we’ve just received the perfect addition: Ms. Girzone, our new music teacher, teaches mixed chorus and music theory.  

A musician all her life, she played the french horn and sang in Williamsville South’s ensembles. “I took all the music classes at my high school,” she said with a laugh. Knowing she wanted to become a teacher, she felt that teaching music was the right choice for her, combining two things she already loved.

She came to East after teaching younger kids in other schools, but she knew that she wanted to do chorus in particular. “I was really looking for any kind of position that had the opportunity for me to direct a choir,” she notes.  She was drawn to the chorus and music theory aspects of the position and thought it would be perfect to be back in her home district. She says that this feels like her dream job, and she’s so grateful for the opportunity.

When asked about her favorite or least favorite part of teaching, Ms. Girzone was stumped for a moment. She had trouble thinking of her least favorite part. After thinking for a moment, she said that it’s the moments where her class isn’t making music. She loves being able to sing with her classes, and she dislikes when she can’t. She jokingly gave an example of “paperwork.”

Ms. Girzone is the oldest of four in her family, with three younger brothers. One is in college, another is starting the police academy soon, and the youngest is a sophomore in high school. Her mother, grandmother, and many of her aunts and cousins are teachers, and her great-grandfather was a college professor, so she comes from a long line of teachers! 

She enjoys reading, although during the school year, she doesn’t have time to do it much. Her parents own a place in the Finger Lakes, and she likes to visit and spend time with her family. She is also a soprano with the Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Adam Luebke. They often collaborate with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra for concerts and perform at Kleinhans Music Hall. She enjoys getting to sing in an ensemble without having to direct it.

Ms. Girzone teaches mixed chorus during third period and music theory during fourth period. Consider joining if you’re interested; anyone is welcome! And if you happen to be walking down Student Street, consider taking a stop in the music wing and giving a warm welcome!