Michael Sam Comes Out


Michael Sam recently made headlines as coming out as gay football player that will most likely be drafted in May which will make him the first openly gay player in the NFL. I feel like this will either been blown out of proportion or not a story when the season came around. I think it would be beneficial for Sam to go to a more liberal state where there won’t be idiotic fans to scream out slur after slur, and there would be fans that cheer louder for him. The thing that I think is the most disturbing about this is the comments of Sam’s father saying it bothered him and he did want to have his grand kids raised in this environment. This man has nine kids three of which are dead, three more in prison, two I don’t know where there are, and a couragous son that has a college education and will be playing for a NFL team and he is the son that you have a problem with. So you would rather have you grand kids raised with no father instead of two? Someone is really an idiot or wanted his 15 minutes of fame. Michael Sam if you by some way are reading this know that you don’t need a person like that in your life until he comes crawling to you apologizing for what he said, but seriously what a jerk. Which is why part of me wants to see him go to the redskins or the cowboys, but I actually think he is a pretty good guy so I hope he doesn’t. What ever religion or political views on this issue you have to at least acknowledge it was beyond brave of him to come out. That’s why this will be a huge story or no story like Manti Te’o and his “girlfriend” who was actually a fake Facebook profile being run by a gay man for those not familiar with it was last year. Which was almost as bad as his performance in the BCS title game. Calm down Notre Dame fans you still have 11 titles and Joe Montana to shove in to everyone’s face. Congrats! Anyways Missouri was more than capable of functioning last year and Sam was the best defensive player in the best conference that’s why in think this is a positive thing for Sam and if a team can embrace him fully there won’t be anything to talk about espn. Don’t worry there’s gonna still be Clowney and Manziel to talk about all year long. (Clowney and Sam played the same position in the same conference) Can we put RG3, Manziel, Sam, Jonathan Martin, Richie Incognito, Aaron Hernadaz, and Richard Sherman on one team, coached, managed, and owned by Jerry Jones and his partner the ghost of George Steinbrenner and watch it self implode for fun. The point that I’m trying to make before my ad took over is that Michael Sam, I respect you, and hope this isn’t a big story.