Friday, April 19, 2024

NASA Develops Magnetic Microsatellites

By: Garrett Speller Manipulation of small objects in space has always been a tough nut to crack for the engineers at NASA. Current space suits...

Nora Pillow Provides Snoring Relief

By: Gillian Marcus We’ve all been there; we all know that one person who snores so loudly that they often wake you up from your...

New Artificial Enzyme Can Drastically Speed Up The Breakdown of Plastics

By Shawn Gupta Plastic waste is a huge problem for our planet. It is estimated that over 300 million tons of plastic are produced annually,...

Why Flu Cases are Down this Year

If you’ve seen some of the headlines, flu cases are apparently down this year, and while it’s certainly true that flu hospitalizations are down 98% from last year to well under 1,000, some of the conspiracies that seasonal flu cases were somehow reported as COVID are just outright false.

New Arctic islands appear

As polar ice melts as a result of global warming, scientists estimate that many new islands will be discovered that have previously been...

Worms & Bones: Nature’s Spookiest Deep Sea Twist

Do you love bugs? Creepy crawlies? Well then, this is the perfect story to worm you up on a cold Halloween night. If you hate bugs, then this story will most definitely keep your bones chilling.

Are “Designer Babies” Ethical?

By Calvin Lee The fantasy created by the 1997 film Gattaca may soon become reality. The first genetically modified babies were created by a researcher...

James Webb Space Telescope Fully Deployed Its Primary Mirror

On January 8th NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope successfully completed the unfolding of its mirror, taking its final shape.

The New iPhone 7

By: Gillian Marcus On September 7th, 2016, Apple finally announced the launch of its new iPhone, the iPhone 7, which will officially be released September...

EV Charging Problem in Chicago

With Chicago temperatures sinking sub-zero, electric vehicle charging stations have become crowded with dead robots, depleted batteries, and anxious owners. Electric cars are prone to do less well in cold temperatures, mainly due to the chemical reactions that create power in the battery slow down in cold weather. Although most electric vehicle (EV) owners face a shortage in range in the winter, Chicago makes it even harder for EVs. Chicago and other parts of the US face a similar snowstorm that is expected to be dangerously cold. Most owners are frustrated and can't believe their EVs are dying within minutes, even with 30-60 miles of range

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